Splits by TalenQL

Quality Engineers, Part-Time, at Half the Price

Find top engineers for your projects without the full-time commitment. Leverage experienced tech professionals on a part-time basis to drive innovation and stay within budget

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Splits by TalenQL

More than 100 businesses trust TalentQL

Since we launched operations in January 2021, we have helped 50+ companies across
the world hire the technical talent they need.


Discover the Splits Advantage, providing quality-driven solution

Cost-Effective Talent

Get top engineering talent at part-time prices. Reduce costs, not quality.

Curated Tech Experts

Access a network of skilled tech professionals ready to join your team

Seamless Integration

Engineers who blend in smoothly with your existing team and workflow

Flexible Staffing

Tailored support for your project needs, whether short-term or ongoing

How does the recruitment
process work?

splits process

Share Your Project Needs with Us

Do you have specific project needs, goals, or tech-related challenges? We're here to listen and understand. Share the details of your project with us so that we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique requirements. Whether it's a software development initiative, system integration, or any other tech endeavor, let us know what you need to achieve, and we'll take it from there.

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We Match You with Engineers

Once we have a clear understanding of your project's demands, our expert team gets to work. We delve into our curated pool of experienced engineers, each with a diverse skill set and expertise. Our goal is to find the perfect match for your project—someone who not only meets your technical requirements but also aligns with your company's culture and values.

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Time to Start Building

With the right engineer or engineers in place, it's time to start building. Seamlessly integrate them into your team and watch your project come to life. Enjoy the benefits of having experienced tech professionals working part-time to accelerate your project's progress, all at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time staff.

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Why Choose Splits by TalentQL

At Splits by TalentQL, we‘re committed to revolutionizing the way tech companies find and engage top engineers. Our innovative approach offers you unparalleled advantages

Hire Talent

Unparalleled Cost Savings

We understand the financial constraints that tech companies often face. Our platform allows you to access top engineering talent at a fraction of the cost you would pay for full-time staff. Optimize your resources without breaking the bank.

Curated Pool of Top Tech Talent

We ensure that only the best engineers are part of our talent pool. When you choose us, you gain access to a select group of individuals with proven expertise and a track record of success in the tech industry.

Industry-Specific Expertise

Understanding that different tech companies have unique requirements, whether you're in fintech, healthcare, or e-commerce. With us you'll find professionals who understand the intricacies of your field and can deliver tailored solutions.

Flexible Staffing Solutions

Tech companies often face fluctuating workloads and project demands. With us, you can scale your workforce up or down as needed. We provide the flexibility to adapt to your dynamic needs, whether for short-term projects or ongoing support.

Let‘s elevate your business with fresh talents

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